What I'm thinking, where I've been, where I'm going and other random events

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Another year

My work is boring. It is boring for a number of reasons..
I realise that my job involves using the knowledge that I have accumulated over the last few years and applying it to the projects I am put on. I don't get to learn, I don't get to improve myself - I'm not challenged. I realise I am seen as somewhat of an expert. But I feel like I'm standing still as far as achieving my own personal goals.
Not one project I have worked on this year has progressed past the stage of analysis for one reason or another - budgeting, politics etc. Hence there is no sense of purpose or direction with alot of things I do.
I don't connect on a social level with my workmates.

My work isn't BAD, it is just not fulfilling my needs for challenge, social activity and personal achievement. My first priority after the xmas break is to find a new job.


Blogger Chip said...

I understand what you're saying buddy. All those things you're lacking, you need in order to live a fulfilling life. Good luck in your job search next year.

5:43 PM


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