What I'm thinking, where I've been, where I'm going and other random events

Monday, April 11, 2005

Its a photo finish!

woohoo!! 2 exams finished today!!
The exams turned out to be quite difficult in parts - mainly due to my lack of preparation though. My standard study routine is:
- prepare study notes
- re-read study notes
- do practice questions
And I always set out a schedule like '2 topics a day' or something like that so that I know whether I'm on track or not. I had my schedule set out this time round, and alot of time to do it since I didn't work...but I just steadily fell behind as each day passed :) Eventually I did do all 3 things, but it was really rushed at the end, and honestly, I was getting bored of studying - it was just taking so long - that I probably wasn't very focused. It was 2 exams though, so alot of information to absorb. I should pass, that's all I need!
The exam was held at Randwick Racecourse in the function room above the grandstand where probably only the rich and the elite get to watch the races from up there. It was quite an impressive view though. I think a day at the Races should be on the cards sometime soon - I've never done it before.
Only 2 days before I go back to the grindstone and have to WOORKK!

Monday, April 04, 2005

Times Up, Pens down

I'm going to be so relieved this time next week when I finally complete the final two exams of my graduate diploma in applied procastination and guilt. For the last 5 years I've been on and off studying to be I'm not sure what now.
When I started it. I was a wet behind the ears uni graduate - keen to impress and make a mark in my first job. So it was a good idea to study finance - I was working as a Business Analyst, and honestly, I didn't know what was going on half the time at work.
So I signed up for this degree and got through 2 semesters of it before I realised - I don't want to study now - I want my spare time outside work for myself, not spent studying! So I stopped doing it, which was a good decision I think.
When I started my second job, again keen to impress I picked up the course again. I found it a bit difficult though to actually get to DOING the course this time around - a few times missing exams altogether. One time doing an exam remotely in HK. While it has been a pain at times, doing it has contributed to my apparent success at work thus far.
So fast forward 2.5 years from that point and I'm here studying for my final 2 subjects - Financial Industry Law and Ethics and Property Investment Analysis. I'm not exactly sure which direction my work is going to take over the next year, but I will feel a sense of achievement having completed this.
For anyone interested in pursuing a career in the financial services industry, the Securities Industry offers both undergraduate and post-graduate courses in finance and investment. You can find more information at www.securities.edu.au :)

Oh and favorite song at the moment: Feelgood Inc by Gorillaz and De La Soul